Ben Stein and his new movie

About an upcoming movie:

I really enjoyed Ben Stein’s work up to now (including “Win Ben Stein’s Money”), but I’m afraid my opinion of Mr. Stein has been lessened by news of his upcoming movie Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed which is coming out April 18th 2008. I have not seen this movie yet, but the scientists whom I deeply respect report misrepresentations of the project’s intent during the production of this movie. In addition, PZ Myers (who was in the movie and thanked in the credits) was “expelled” from an early screening for little provocation. Quite ironic – don’t you think? Please see this site for information about the misrepresentation made to those scientists about this project – and shame on you Ben Stein and your producers! Expelled Exposed – Flunked, not Expelled: What Ben Stein isn’t telling you about Intelligent Design